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The best way to Deliver audio files and get paid.
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Fidbak player, share high-definition audio files with your collaborators.
Fidbak paywall, monetize and protect downloads of your audio files.
Create secure audio collaboration spaces with HD sound. With Fidbak you can centralize all info relating to a musical project. Share an audio file with a friend or a client and start a collaboration that can evolve over time. Add new guests at any time and communicate with each other with the chat zone and audio comments posted on the waveform.
Get payments by offering a paywall within your players. With Fidbak Boutique, add a payment portal to your audio player and send a purchase link. Once the payment is made, we automatically unlock file download and provide, on your behalf, an invoice to your customer.
Bring all your projects together in a dedicated interface. Designed by sound engineers, Fidbak provides you with tailor-made collaborative tools supporting you during all production stages. From creation to release step, all participants actions are stored on a single, easy-to-access and secure platform.
Receive files from your website with Fidbot. Install Fidbot and allow your customers to send you files. Much more than a simple transfer module, your Fidbot allows you to create secure collaboration spaces without time, filesize or participants limit. It creates the starting point for a collaboration that can evolve over time.
Decide who can upload, download, comment and share. You have full control over actions your guests take. If you decide to block download, it really becomes impossible to download or hack your file thanks to our exclusive technology embedded in the Fidbak audio player.
Easy, fast and secure access for your guests. Your guests can access your players and folders and use all the collaboration tools without the need to create a Fidbak account. Invitations are confidential. We don't use or disclose your guest emails at any time.
Deliver your work through the HD audio player and receive feedback. 192Khz | 32-bit float ready, the Fidbak audio player offer both high-end audio quality and high security level. It allows you to add metadata, get information about audio dynamics and post comments at a specific time on the waveform.
Embed an HD audio player into your website. Choose between artwork or waveform style, add 1 line to your website code and you're good to go! Now you can make your visitors listen to your references in wav quality.
Organize your files and versions. With the audio groups, you can combine multiple files into a single block to make navigation clearer and faster. Audio groups are selectable as a destination during a file transfer for you and your guests.
Show your brand. Replace the Fidbak logo with your own and show it in your console, on shared players, folders and in notification emails sent to your guests.
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